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Colbert Shocks Bush with the Truth

Stephen Colbert's skewering of Bush at the annual White House Correspondent's dinner must have been a shock to our illegitimate President, his wife, and other sympathizers gathered at the Washington D.C. event.

Who was responsible for inviting Mr. Colbert? Isn't that a bit like inviting the hangman to one's own execution? Perhaps the person responsible for the invite expected a more docile Colbert, one more like that seen Mon-Thur. on Comedy Central. One who is ironic and subtle in his humor and satire. A comedian much of whose intelligent spoofing of Bill O' Reilly is likely to go over the head of casual viewer, or be misinterpreted as an authentic defense of Bush and the current corrupt administration.

But this performance was unmistakeably critical of Bush and his cronies (including the mainstream media in Washington) -- while simultaneously displaying Colbert's eloquence and comedic brilliance. Unlike his comedy central persona, this speech betrayed Colbert's real feelings about the man who calls himself the leader of our country. One could feel the anger seeping through the timber of his voice . Judging from the silence of the crowd Colbert's blunt attack on the President was more than the light-hearted "roasting" that was seemingly expected. This was undoubtedly a KO.

The video of Colbert's "comedic" blasting can be found at It is definitely worth checking out.